Legacy Modernization

The essential report for IT decision-makers
Edition #2


Legacy software exists in almost every company. Often, it's critical for key processes and crucial to the success of the business. However, there comes a time for every piece of software when it must be modernized, lest it fail to meet current demands.

In this report, we outline the key aspects of legacy modernization – from the initial assessment of existing systems to the implementation of modern technologies.

What you get

  • Rational arguments: What economic and technical factors advocate for modernization?
  • Strategic insights: Why modernization is not just necessary, but also an opportunity.
  • Step by step: How to get started.
  • Measuring success: How to develop progress reporting?
  • Guest contributions from Marianne Bellotti (author of “Kill It With Fire”) and Marcel Weiß (neunetz.com)


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Who’s writing here?

Markus Harrer
Sven Johann
Anja Kammer
Michael Plöd
Piet Schijven
Johannes Seitz
Marco Steinke
Benjamin Wolf
Marianne Bellotti
Author „Kill It With Fire“
Marcel Weiß
neunetz.com, analyst for the digital economy

We assist you

Talk to us about your plans, even if they’re just rough, initial thoughts. We’ll support you specifically or throughout the entire modernization journey.

Strategic support: What’s the best strategy for you? What makes the most sense in relation to your business goals? Together, we define initial milestones.

Development: Complete or partial implementation of your IT modernization project by one or more teams of interdisciplinary professionals.

Team: A team of experts will support you, taking the lead or integrating into your team structure, for strategic, architectural, and technical tasks in your modernization effort.

Consulting and workshops: We will co-develop a strategy for your company’s IT modernization. With workshops like Quality Storming and Big Picture Event Storming, we efficiently explore potentials.

Reviews: Our experts will take an in-depth look at your organization’s legacy systems. You’ll get valuable insights and an honest external assessment. Along with clear recommendations for action.

Ein Team aus 4 Personen, die gemeinsam an einem Tisch sitzen und diskutieren. Auf dem Tisch liegt ein Konzeptentwurf.

Our consultants have been advising SMEs & corporations for over 20 years, implementing IT systems of all sizes.

Our expertise is drawn from extensive hands-on experience in software architecture and development, platform operation and infrastructure, as well as digital product development.

We don’t view technology as an end in itself, but as an enabler for solving real-world problems.